Winnipeg, MB — Canada’s canola farmers are pleased that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appointed new Ministers and updated his Cabinet earlier today.
“As the national association representing Canada’s canola farmers, we look forward to working with the new Cabinet on critical issues facing our farms,” says Bernie McClean, President of Canadian Canola Growers Association (CCGA). “Canola farmers have been facing challenges on numerous fronts, including losing access to one of our largest markets, ineffective business risk management programs, and difficult harvest conditions. These challenges require collaboration with the federal government to ensure the continued success of our farms and our rural communities.”
Canola is one of the largest commodities in Canadian agriculture, generating $9.3 billion in farm cash receipts in 2018. Ninety percent of the production is exported, and access to China, a major export market for canola seed, has been greatly impeded since the spring.
CCGA congratulates Marie-Claude Bibeau on her reappointment as Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food and looks forward to working with her on several important files including improving the suite of business risk management programs. “The continuity Minister Bibeau brings to this file is highly valued, and her collaborative approach has been encouraging,” says McClean.
CCGA also looks forward to working with the newly appointed Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade, Mary Ng, as well as reappointed Transport Minister Marc Garneau, to help resolve market access issues and keep supply chain systems running.
“The challenges we face require a swift, all hands on deck approach,” says McClean. “We are ready to work with the government on solutions as quickly as possible.”
CCGA represents canola farmers on national and international issues, policies and programs that impact farm profitability and is an official administrator of the Government of Canada’s Advance Payments Program.