Monday, February 17 – CCGA's offices will be closed.

Know Your Grade

Grain Contracts

Know what's in your contract

Grain contracts are common marketing tools when selling and delivering canola. With various contracts available to farmers, the terms and conditions vary between buyers, therefore making a direct comparison of their legal nature a challenge.

Knowing what's in (and what's not in) your grain contract is critical to maximizing canola's profitability. Check out CCGA's Practical Guide to Navigate Grain Contracts to learn about common contract features, sample clauses, and practical advice to negotiate and manage contract risk.

Signed contract

A Practical Guide to Navigating Grain Contracts

Better understand contract negotiation, interpretation, and obligations in CCGA's contract guide. It includes sample contract clauses from major grain buyers and summarizes what to look for and important questions to ask.

Grain Farmers of Ontario developed a modified version of CCGA's Practical Guide to Navigating Grain Contracts to reflect regional differences in grain marketing practices and the provincial regulations that provide safeguards and oversight to the Ontario grain industry.

Contracts Guide Cover

Want to know more?

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Call us at 1.866.745.2256 or send us an email.