Monday, February 17 – CCGA's offices will be closed.
Farmer Resources
Dec 3, 2020 Post

National Code of Practice Needs Farmers' Feedback

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Crops is seeking farmer feedback on a draft voluntary code of practice for Canada’s grain industry. Grassroots participation is crucial to ensure the on-farm practices included in the code are workable for farmers.

For over a year, the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Crops has been developing a voluntary code of practice for Canada’s grain industry, called Responsible Grain. The process brought together stakeholders from across Canada, including farmers, agronomists, commodity organizations and industry representatives. Consultations on the draft code are taking place now through February, so there is a limited time to get involved.

The code of practice is a roadmap of required and recommended on-farm management practices that show Canadian grain farmers’ care and commitment to the environment and sustainability. The consultation seeks to find out how the practices outlined in Responsible Grain will work on many different farms across Canada, so it’s important for farmers to get involved and share their opinions to help shape the final version of the code.

Responsible Grain is a voluntary, science-based code of practice, which includes seven separate modules, including nutrient management, pest and pesticide management, soil and water management, land use and wildlife, and human health and wellness.

Responsible Grain has been developed in response to an increasing demand for information about sustainable production practices. It builds upon our existing reputation for quality and can help build public trust in Canadian-grown crops, both at home and abroad, by expanding our ability to share our sustainability story.

Farmers who want to learn more about Responsible Grain and participate in the consultation can do so without leaving the farm. The virtual consultation includes three components: a) an introductory orientation session*, b) an online workspace where participants can work through one or all seven of the code of practice modules and submit their comments, and c) a final virtual wrap-up session.

​*Online orientation sessions, which will cover why the code was developed and what it is intended to do, are running January 7, January 14 and January 21.

Grain Farmers Post

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